Thursday, June 21, 2007

Puddle Problems

Luckily my job doesn't have a strict schedule, because due to some "kitten issues" I was very late today. Before I left for work I glanced into our empty, soon to be spare bedroom and noticed a wet mark on the carpet in the corner of the room. Of course my first thought was "Oh the poor little kitten had an accident", but as I began to clean the spot I realized that this was no accident. Next to the spot that I was cleaning I noticed a little dried urine stain, and next to that stain was another, and another. I cleaned a total of 20 little urine stains that went around the entire perimeter of the room!! My baby kitty is Claiming Territory!!! I thought that she was too young for such a thing, but even more mind boggling is that she would claim an almost empty furniture, no food, no cat bed, only an exercise bike that is never used.

Before I left, I closed the door to the room & quickly eyeballed the rest of the house for stains (fortunately she was only interested in that room ). Now that I've shut the door on Scout's giant litter box, I have a growing concern for the safety of my new dining room rug. I've taken great care to protect the rug, spraying it with "NO-Scratch" every morning. On my way home, I'll stop at PetSmart to buy some "NO-GO".

As for knitting news: Apparently my order for the Mango Moon circular needles never went through. However I did receive my US 15 rosewood circs. I'm over halfway through my scarf & I will probably start the shawl tomorrow.

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